Saturday, 21 July 2012

The family system theory

The family system theory is a theory that suggested that individuals cannot be understand in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. What I understand from this theory is that in the family system each member had a role to play and rules to respect. Members are expected to respond to each other in a certain way according to their roles. If the family members maintain the same pattern of behaviour with the system it will lead to a balance in the family system. Because the family is seen as a system if one of its members is having a problem then the family is seen as dysfunctional family. The individual is responsible for their own behaviour, but no behaviour can be understood in isolation. What it is saying is instead of trying to trace the problem to find out where it began the theorist is saying that we should deal with the chain of interaction that is happening at that time that fuel the problem. For example there was a situation at one of the heart institution where this student would go to the security bar that separate the female from the male to have sex with the male for financial gain. When she was caught and her mother was call in they find out that it was a family thing, but instead of going back in time to where it started they deal with the mother on how they can control the immediate situation.

In my understanding the theorist is encouraging communication among family members.   When there is a problem, the location of the problem is not within the individual but in the family. Most theories look at the individual as having a problem, but systems theory sees the family as dysfunctional. The problems in the family result from a struggle between persons. Therefore I understand why the girl mother was call in because it is a family problem.

Monday, 16 July 2012

The Family Systems Theory

This theory is similar to the structural- functionalism theory they both view the family as a whole which made up of different parts and the whole is greater than some of its parts. The family is like a small community, where there is a father, mother and children which, is the traditional nuclear family. This is the ideal family type.  In all families there are problems. The problem is most times in the family and not outside.  This is problem at times arise  from how family members interact with each other. Growing up my brother and I always seems to be having trouble getting along with each other. When we do not see each other we get along quiet fine. For a while I stopped visiting my parents’ house and my parents could not understand why I was not coming to visit them. After a while my brother and I reconcile our differences and then I started visiting my parents again. This was showing that the problem was aroused from how my brother and interacted together.    

Every family adheres to a boundary or code of conduct and when one steps out of his boundary they are punished. I grew up in a strict Seventh Day Adventist home. Each Friday afternoon I was expected to be home to help prepare for Sabbath.  I could not attend anything taking place at school on Fridays. When my brother begun high school he did not adhere to those rules and I was angry because when I was his age I was not permitted to do those things, as they were supposedly were keeping me safe and helping me to prepare for my family someday. All the concerts and other lovely things I had to miss. This behaviour bought on resentment between my parents and I. This was because I thought to myself it was not fare as I could not do all those things and my brother could because he is a boy. This is a common problem that occurs in families where there is double binding or contradicting messages. Boys are able to do certain things and girls are not permitted to do those things.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Family Systemms Theory

 This theory views the family as a whole rather than in parts. Whenever there is a problem in the family the problem does not lie in the individual but in the family itself. It seeks to explain why families behave the way they do. In my family certain boundaries are set for example depending on your age you could not stay out beyond certain hours and you have to obey failure to do so will result in you being punished.

There are certain traditions in my family that are established for example family trips and family reunion each year.  This helps to strengthen the bond within the family. 
A family must have certain rules that govern how each member behaves.  From speaking with a parent I deduce that the child speaks to him any way and it was pointless at that time to correct her so he just stood there, all he was doing was blaming the mother for how the child relate to him. It is natural to want to play the blame game however as parents certain boundaries must be present in the household.  

The family systems theory holds the family accountable for any deviation from the norm.  Persons must be made accountable for their failure to make productive citizens. If there is a breakdown in the family then there will be a breakdown in society.  In some families where both parents are separated certain behaviours that are considered correct to one parent might be a problem to the other parent.

The family Systems Theory

The family is as strong as its weakest link because as a whole the family will function better than as several parts. In my community there is a family that appears to have no rule governing the household because children can go out at any time day or night. They speak to adults and children alike. Children of both sexes have become a parent during their teenage years. In my mind as well as other members in the community this family is dysfunctional. This view is supported by the family systems theory where the situation is viewed as a family problem and not as an individual problem.  It makes no sense to blame one member of the family (linear casualty) for the problem because this blame game may never end. I do believe however that the family needs to set positive rules and stick to them. The children in this family appears to be confused about what they can or cannot do because the adults may instruct the children to stay in the yard but nothing is done when this rule is broken. The children’s behavior has now become dysfunction as a result of this double bind concept.

After receiving much advice from concerned members in the community the family seems to be stuck in their ways. The systems theory speaks to this as many persons or families have that need for stability. If the family is to change the way in which they operate then a sense of instability will arise.